Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Opposite of Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Opposite of Freedom - Essay Example There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers in blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in a brief moment of illumination. (Story 2) For her, freedom was only possible in the death of her husband, not in his life. She was not sad at his dying, because it meant that she would finally be able to make her own decisions, finally able to live her own life. Yet the story can not end there. The reader is told early in the story that Louise has a weak heart, and would be stressed by the news. When the doctors arrive to check her, and make sure she is well, another person also arrives-her husband. The story ends "When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease - of joy that kills" (Story 3). To the very end, she was controlled by her husband, and the shock at realizing that all the joy she had felt was too soon killed her. Even her death was determined by the actions of a man. For Desiree, of "Desiree's Baby," the misery in her life is no less evident. She is happy with her husband, and they have a great love. ... She, who is a very sensitive soul, is glad that the coming of their first child has softened her husband, who is often cruel with the slaves. Then, suddenly, something changed, and the entire mood of the house was different. Desire noticed When he spoke to her, it was with averted eyes, from which the old love-light seemed to have gone out. He absented himself from home; and when there, avoided her presence and that of her child, without excuse. And the very spirit of Satan seemed suddenly to take hold of him in his dealings with the slaves. Desiree was miserable enough to die. (Desiree 3) Something, it seemed, had changed for him, and his mood is what controlled the entire house. When Desiree suddenly realizes that her son is partially black, she goes to her husband to find out why he was black. He explains to her that she must be black. And because she was black, he no longer wanted her. She left, and he burned all her belongings, along with those of the baby. Yet, at the end, the narrator shares with the reader a note from Armand's past. His mother wrote "I thank the good God for having so arranged our lives that our dear Armand will never know that his mother, who adores him, belongs to the race that is cursed with the brand of slavery" (Desiree 6). He was so embarrassed by his own history that he was willing to blame it on his wife, and force her to leave, along with his son. For both women, men controlled their actions. For Desiree, the fault was clearly hers, and she was forced to leave. For Louise, her only freedom came with her husband's death. Both women were limited in their movements by men, but in different ways. Desiree was forced to leave, and lose the happiness she had with her family, along with

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Management Essay

Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Management - Essay Example Also, the SPIN framework is critiqued and analysed in order to provide information about how social media can be employed to help stakeholders in the film industry to maximise their offerings and activities in relation to the production and sale of films to the wider society and community. The Internet is the largest computer network in the world. It is a platform on which most computers can connect and get access to shared information from different parts of the world and this has created a unique and distinct marketplace for people to interact. This network has been utilised by various business and corporate entities in the world and there is the possibility of the film industry using it to achieve various forms of results in their marketing and promotion of affairs. To this end, it is important to analyse the concepts of social media and viral marketing. This is because they provide the basis for the analysis of the practical application and utilisation of the Internet for business purposes. â€Å"Social media refers to the use of web-based and mobile technology to communication into an interactive dialogue† (Evans, 2012; p62). This means that social media relates to the use of the Internet to create platforms on which different people and different individuals can interact and exchange various forms of information. Social media therefore involves various social channels that changes over time. These channels offer the space within which people can interact and communicate in order to share ideas and thoughts. The audience and people who use the social spaces on the Internet take an active part in the communication and interactions on these social media channels. Thus, such media channels that exists on the Internet can be utilised by various film producers and film marketing and promotion entities to get their information and views known. This can be done through the professional use of information and data